Tauhara concrete recycling
With a growing pile of waste concrete coming in from multiple sources at Tauhara geothermal power station, we looked for a sustainable option to process and re-use it.
What do you do with your waste concrete on site? You could truck it away and dump it in landfill, or send it away to get it crushed for re-use. We looked for a more sustainable option at our Tauhara geothermal power station project and called in the big guns to crush it on site.
It took a while to find someone to do this in a small town, but Lakeland Excavators came through for us and we have been able to forge new relationships with Rotomara Holdings and Taupō District Council.
The crush team took less than two days to get through 460 tonnes of concrete. Some of the larger blocks needed to be broken up with a set of t-rex sized jaws, which looked like more fun than it should have been. We were lucky that it rained while the crushing took place, so we didn’t have an issue with dust, though the noise certainly added to the ambience!
Within half an hour of finishing up, material was already being taken from the pile to build an access ramp elsewhere on site.