Christ Church Cathedral Reinstatement
Naylor Love Canterbury are honoured to have been awarded the Main Contractor Consultancy Services contract for the reinstatement of the Christ Church Cathedral, joining the Christ Church Cathedral Reinstatement Project’s specialist consultant team.
Although the reinstated Cathedral may look similar, it will be safer, more functional, more flexible and more comfortable, achieved through a mix of traditional and modern materials and techniques. Naylor Love will be providing construction logistics, methodologies and programme advice for the project, developing plans to physically stabilise the building. The physical stabilisation works are scheduled to begin in early 2020.
This is a huge opportunity for Naylor Love to utilise its experience and in-house knowledge to bring this iconic landmark back to life.
Graeme Earl, Regional Director, Naylor Love Canterbury
The expected overall duration of the Cathedral Reinstatement project is 7-10 years. This is longer than it would take for a new build but considerably shorter than the original construction, which spanned 40 years.
Naylor Love Canterbury has significant experience in the successful delivery of similar heritage strengthening and refurbishment projects, including Christ’s College and the Isaac Theatre Royal, and can also call on the expertise of the national-wide Naylor Love team. The Canterbury team also built the Transitional Cathedral, a world-first temporary structure with massive cardboard tube rafters designed by world-renowned architect Shigeru Ban.